Performance Reviews
Performance Reviews
Ongoing feedback, continuous growth
Turn periodic performance reviews into an ongoing conversation that generates constructive feedback and meaningful, measurable improvement throughout the year.
Real-time feedback for better learning
Performance feedback is most powerful when it happens in real time, whether it’s constructive criticism or recognition for a job well done. The performance review can be transparent between manager and employee or employee-only, or manager-only.
Multi-faceted reviews
Combine reviews of culture, soft skills, job skills, and organizational goals into one streamlined performance review. Utilize BARS or Likert scales to customize to your organizational needs.
Org-wide goal alignment
Keep everyone working towards the targets that matter by setting company or departmental goals and assigning them directly to employees.
Additional information
Product Price: | $$$ |
Number of Employee: |
Cloud Type: |
Languages Supported:
Hosting Locations/ Countries: